A time-lapse camera is a specialized device or camera setting that captures a sequence of images at specific intervals over an extended period, which are then compiled into a video to show a scene unfolding much faster than in real time. This method compresses hours, days, or even years of real-time footage into seconds or minutes, providing a unique way to visualize slow processes or subtle changes that are not immediately noticeable. Aplikasi sapertos anu kapaké pikeun prosés lambat, sapertos bagianur panonpoé, proyék ngawangun, atanapi kamekaran tutuwuhan.
1200 yard laser Golflinder Golf sareng Resope 7X
Riskfinder Golf Laser mangrupikeun alat portabel dirancang pikeun golfers pikeun ngukur jarak jauh dina kursus. Pang ngagunakeun téknologi laser cadas nyandaan pikeun nyayogikeun ukuran rupa-rupa barang dina kursus golf, sapertos flagepes, bahya atanapi tatangkalan.
In addition to distance measurement, laser rangefinders offer other features such as slope compensation, which adjusts yardage based on the slope or elevation of the terrain. Fitur ieu hususna kapaké nalika maén dina kursus anu hardly atanapi undulating.
Peuting Peuting FIGECTE FIZOCRUPS sareng 8X Mmage 600m
Observasi 360W Sensos Sensitivitas
1080p Digital Digital Digital sareng 3,5 inci
Terisan ieu tiasa dianggo boh dina beurang sareng wengi. Dina lampu soré, anjeun tiasa ningkatkeun pangaruh visual ku ngajaga lénsa tujuan objék. Nanging, pikeun observasi anu langkung saé peuting, panyumputan obat anu tahan kudu dipiceun.
Additionally, these binoculars have photo shooting, video shooting, and playback functions, allowing you to capture and review your observations. Aranjeunna nawarkeun aranjeunna 5X Toomin oprical sareng 8XLal Zoomal Digital, nyayogikeun kamampuan menjjauan objek anu Leungit.
Kamera jalan raya logam bracket sareng tali, Gampang Gampang pikeun tangkal sareng témbok
This trail camera mount bracket has a 1/4-inch standard threaded mounting base and a 360-degree rotating head, which can be freely adjusted at all angles. Tangkal tangkal (tangkal nangtung) tiasa dijamin ku bantosan kaserang atanapi tiasa dipasang dina témbok sareng screws.
Panel Solar Latar 5w Lapar, 6V / 12V Solar Rothtry ngawangun-in 5200mah 5200mah
The 5W solar panel for trail camera is compatible with DC 12V (or 6V) interface trail cameras, powered by 12V(or 6V) with 1.35mm or 2.1mm output connectors, This solar panel continuously offers solar power for your trail cameras and security cameras .
IP65 cuaca dirancang pikeun cuaca parna. Solar panel for trail camera can work normally on rain, snow, intense cold, and heat. You are free to install the solar panel in the forest, backyard trees, roof, or anywhere else.
Kaméra Game Game Digital Infral
The Big Eye D3N wildlife camera have a highly sensitive passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensor that can detect sudden changes in ambient temperature, such as those caused by moving game, and then automatically capture pictures or video clips. Fitur ieu ngajantenkeun alat anu berharga pikeun ngawas sateuacana sareng moto kagiatan dina kaayaan minat anu ditunjuk. Kaméra kaulinan ieu tiasa nyandak sababaraha gambar berturut-turut dugi ka 6 poto. Aya 42 kawéntar henteu-glow infrared leds. Pangguna tiasa nganggo sacara lulisan sareng bujur sareng langkung seueur ngatur poto anu béda-béda lokasi anu béda. Waktu Lape Pidéo mangrupikeun ciri khusus cam ieu. A time-lapse video is a technique where frames are captured at a much slower rate than they are played back, resulting in a condensed view of a slow process, such as the movement of the sun across the sky or the growth of a plant. Time-lapse videos are created by taking a series of photos at set intervals over a period of time and then playing them back at a regular speed, creating the illusion of time moving faster. Téhnik ieu sering dianggo pikeun néwak sareng parobihan parobahan anu lumangsung lalaunan dina waktosna.
Welltar 4g kaméra pricout
Salian ti hiji fungsi Anjeun tiasa ngalaman tina kaméra precout pramout anu sami sanés. This one is aimed to offer you stable quality product using experience with many extraordinary features, like SIM setups auto match, daily report, remote ctrl with APP (IOS & Android), 20 meters (65 ft) invisible real night vision ability, 0.4 seconds trigger time, and 1 photo/sec (up to 5 photos per trigger) multi-shot to capture the whole track of object (anti-theft evidence), GPS location, user friendly operational menu, jsb.
Di sagigireun sagala fungsi anu anjeun tiasa ngalaman tina kaméra naon waé anu sanés. This one is aimed to offer you stable quality product using experience with many extraordinary features, like Real GPS functions, SIM setups auto match, daily report, remote ctrl with APP (IOS & Android), 20 meters (60 ft) invisible real night vision ability, 0.4 seconds trigger time, and 1 photo/sec (up to 5 photos per trigger) multi-shot to capture the whole track of object (anti-theft evidence), user friendly operational menu, jsb
Solar dikaluarkeun 4K WiFi Bluetooth Bluetooth sareng 120 °
BK-71W mangrupikeun kaméra jalan satapak WIFI kalayan 3 Sensor Infrared. Sénsorna tiasa ngadeteksi parobahan anu ngadadak kana suhu ambien dina daérah evaluasi. Sinyal switch sensor infrain anu sénsitip ka kaméra, diaktipkeun gambar atanapi modeu video. It is also a solar-powered integrated trail camera, Built-in lithium-ion battery, solar charging function can save users a lot of battery costs, and no longer need to worry about shutting down due to lack of power. Pangguna tiasa ningali sareng ngatur gambar sareng video anu liwat aplikasi.